Silran's Playground

Monday, November 30, 2009

Impossible Box update

Well here is an Impossible Box Studios update.
It is quite possible Impossible Box Studios has lost an artist. Darkwingpsycho our team member, and for whom we took a break from her project because standards were slipping, personal differences, and an overall communications breakdown with the team. It seems, since that last meeting, that she has become unresponsive and seems to have decided to take her concept and do it on her own. If that is what she want's to do then more power to her I guess, it is unfortunate, but these things happen.

Lance has already publicly requested that she delete any software that was loaded on her computer, and return some books and pay for some items that he was kind enough to help her out with.

On my end I have no ties to this artist other than time spent working with her, I believe she is talented and with the proper circumstances could take her idea far, perhaps working with us was not the venue for that to occur and maybe doing this solo will be more conducive to her needs. I wish her the best of luck and hope that in the future we can sit down and discuss how things could have been done differently between us. I guess this is my public way of saying, I am still open to discussion but good luck if we never meet again.

In the mean time, Lance and I have been working on the web comic idea I came up with back in junior high. We have a lot of work finished (3 pages and a cover) and will be posting my stuff on a new web site called Burning Phoenix Comics. We're still designing the artwork for the website so it will be a while before we get everything up and ready to roll (that phoenix I keep talking about).

Lance also found a new artist that has some brilliant ideas of his own for a web comic, plus he has dozens of ideas for some kids books. A, B, C's, and 1, 2, 3's kind of stuff. We're seriously thinking about changing the venue of Impossible Box in such a way as to showcase these books and sell them as books and not display them as web comics. Should be fun to work on these book ideas with someone as passionate about the books as he is about his own children.

Exciting things in the works and this whole project has had it's ups and downs and surprises but it's the nature of the beast and it keeps things interesting.

Until the next dimension!

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