Silran's Playground

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Effective Way to Get One's Attention

So this weekend was Gay Pride 2010 weekend and here in Salt Lake City we celebrated despite the looming presence of the conservatives.
On a whim, since they had an AIDS testing tent at the Festival, I decided to have myself checked out.
It had been awhile since I had done it and it's always good practice I think to make sure one is OK in that department (one never knows right?) no matter how safe you are.
I did the prescribed mouth swabbing, got my card with my time to come back in an hour and went off to enjoy the rest of the festival with my friend Angel and her son and my goddaughter.
An hour later I return to the tent happily content in my inherent safety of not having AIDS.
Smiling, I give the lady there my card and she pulls my file. Glancing inside, the woman tells me to wait a moment because she needs to get a counselor.
My heart dropped.
All sorts of things raced through my mind, who was I not safe with, I thought I knew my partners well enough to not have contracted anything, etc.
Immediately, a gentleman introduces himself as a counselor and asks me to follow him to where we can stand under a tree and discuss things privately.
This isn't getting any better for me, and I'm totally in pre-shock mode.
We round the corner behind the tent and I see about 10-13 people all talking with counselors, I begin to feel slightly better (I mean they can't all have AIDS right?) and mentally try to calm myself down.
The counselor precedes to explain to me methods of transmission, (by the way visit here if you want to know more about AIDS or just have questions: asks me if I've been safe, etc. My responses are filled with wide eyed, no's and yes' with an overall feeling of "Hey I've been as safe as I can possibly be, what could have gone wrong?"
Eventually, the counselor tells me that I am fine and have nothing to worry about, the test came back negative.
What a relief.
I thank the gentleman for the information, and walk back to my friends secure in my own safety.
But that wasn't the case 10 minutes ago, and honestly would I have stayed the ten minutes if I had know I was fine, to hear the counselor's spiel of being safe in this day and age with AIDS. Maybe...maybe not.
While the means was perhaps over the top and shocking, it is effective in the end. Because for that brief moment, I got a taste of what it must feel like to know you may have a life threatening disease...of any type. Not just AIDS, but cancer and such.
I was transfixed, because in the end I just wanted to know.
I'm not saying this is an effective way that works all the time, but it's always effective to put yourself in the other person's shoes and can create empathy. Empathy, makes it easier to LISTEN. To be more inclined to not put up your blinders, and even if you get mad or are shocked by what just happened (I was kind of in shock right after that, post I'm OK shock). Eventually you're going to think about what happened, and consider making changes to your life, consider making changes to your business, consider making changes overall, depending on the message delivered.
It changed my view on things, I'm safe...but I can always improve that.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shame on You Dough Boy

I throw my support with @365daygirl. For those who don't know, Pillsbury is going after a local Salt Lake Business called My Dough Girl: the full story can be found here: It's just not as simple as saying don't use that name, people do corporate ID searches just so things like this don't happen, to have a company as big as Pillsbury come at My Dough Girl simply on the basis that they think it is similar is ludicrous, they're not the same thing. Doughboy vs. My Dough Girl, both different imagery, both different products both NOT the same. Shame on Pillsbury for going after the "little" Dough Girl in the name of some corporate agenda. What is the point of these share the recipe posts then, is there some hidden small print that says they will own your recipes once they get posted on their website? Leave small businesses alone and get back to making your millions (Lord knows you have enough).

Monday, May 10, 2010

What If it All Went Away?

So this bug on twitter should serve as a lesson, no matter how much we rely on technology, one simple wipe of an electronic hand, and we shall all sit alone by the fire in the back of the cave.

Let's not lose ourselves to much that we forget about flesh and blood.

I value my twitter friends very much, how weird it would be if suddenly we ALL lost contact? What then, what if this extended to Facebook, MySpace...EMAIL.

What if phones were affected?

What backup plans do we have in place for what would be (for some) a global jarring event?

Just something to think about.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Clash of the Persona's

The inspiration for this was due to a someone I know both in real life and in the SM world.

This person is working on building their brand, trying to drum up business and such for her projects and ventures. There have been stumbles here and there.

I met said person in real life and was snubbed, which was to bad as I was trying to introduce the person to another fellow tweeter and friend from out of town. It brought up the question about how we treat people on Twitter vs. how we interact with them in real life.

On the one hand, you use SM to develop relationships with people for friendship, networking, to exchange knowledge, get information, etc. You give as much as you take, or at least that's how I see it.

Shouldn't that be the case in real life? Should your online relationship end

After all, the next logical step would be meeting someone in real life, that you have had wonderful exchange with online, and continue the dialogue.

But let's say that because of shyness, or worse because you snub that person, you ruin that personal moment. Your golden opportunity is ruined or tainted because you are to busy with your "real" friends who, whether wrong or right, you perceive to have more value than your online contact.

Again, not saying this is wrong or right, or that you should dump your long time friends for someone you only know online. But then again, couldn't you spare 10 minutes just shoring up that relationship in real life, make it a goal to meet again in person at a better place in time?

How does ignoring or snubbing your online contact affect how they perceive you? They follow you on twitter because you caught their attention. Now in real life you don't care?

@adamsconsulting puts it nicely in her blog

"When it’s all said and done, since it is not practical to change our avatar everyday to change with our look and our mood, I suppose we will all just have two different persona's. Maybe that is where the world is headed with social media. We will always present ourselves to the world in two different ways, one online persona and one offline persona."

But, while we will may two persona's, when it comes to the meat of it, "the handshake opportunity", do we blow it? Yes our real life persona comes across differently, but the core of who we are should be the same as our online core. If it isn't then you're just lying.

When that happens you may find your persona's clashing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Divorcing on Twitter

This will be a bit short. But hopefully worth it.
What genius.
On April 6th 2010 Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy end their 5 year relationship on Twitter:

Jim Carrey posted on Tuesday, "Jenny and I have just ended our 5yr relationship. I'm grateful 4 the many blessings we've shared and I wish her the very best! S'okay! ?;^>"

And a few minutes later from Jenny came, "Im so grateful for the years Jim and I had together. I will stay committed to Jane and will always keep Jim as a leading man in my heart."


Whatever happens now, whatever anybody may say about them or why or whatever for the breakup, these tweets will reduce their significance. Any tabloid type articles trying to get the real scoop will have to do battle against two individuals who have publicly stated their divorce and more importantly that they did it amicably. They own their own story, they beat the news hounds, it is their tale to tell and all who come after will seem false, will seem like attacks.

Simply Genius.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Observations of "Personal Branding" In the Past Weeks

There have been a number of local events here in Salt Lake and out of it that have emphasized what @365daygirl, @decanblue and myself have been nailing down in terms of the Social Media realm "personal branding".
It is always interesting to watch how people feel they should used tools like Facebook without realizing that it can be used as a tool, a very powerful tool, one that can harm as well as hurt.
The local scene of Gothic/industrial has seemingly been split between two venues, that is not the subject of this blog, but it is how things have been handled that make up some of the subject for this blog.
One of the things that people don't realize when running a business and playing it's life out in a social forum is that that it is public and it is visible.
Things that can be done right? Quickly announce staff changes and accept the consequences of your decision, no matter what flak may come from it, but understand that once you go down that road you're prepared for how your brand will respond to it. Personally, I think it's always best to be upfront. If questions arise or defamation occurs, you and your company has fired off the first volley, you have first control of the information as you perceive it. You must also own up to the information given out and choose to ignore or respond, but choose and stand by your choice, make it a part of your PR on Facebook or Myspace or Twitter but choose your brands stand on the matter.
Remember that the person let go has their own following of people (it's why you hired them right?) and they have their own brand to protect and that their brand could carry a loss versus yours if the time for separation should ever happen. Prepare for it.
Secondly, develop a plan for how staff will use Social Media to work for you and definitely determine how it could work against you. Understand who those hotheads and mavericks might be and decide if their independence should be allowed (which is always a tough choice because it's about free speech, but there is such a thing as self governing oneself when one represents a brand). Be prepared when staff members may embarrass your brand simply on the basis of being representatives of your brand. What do you have in place to deal with such events? Do you ignore it and hope it goes away (could possibly work but you're hoping against something that once out in the social channels becomes permanent and my never go away). Do you delete said information so that the offensive material is no longer visible (this is "transparency" and while people may disagree, deleting is one of the worst mistakes you could make as far as I am concerned). If you delete, you make a she said he said scenario, but only their word is out there for people to judge your brand on, you just deleted anything that could allow people to decide on their own. In addition, any positive comments made to counter inflammatory statements supporting your brand and distancing the comments from your brand have just been flushed down the drain.
It is my belief that deleting comments and statements goes against your company in so much that you come across as hiding the truth, hiding the events, and dare I say, can stink of a "cover-up", perhaps too harsh a term but really if people don't have access to the information they will create their own speculations (those speculations could be worse than what was actually written). Instead, why not leave the remark there and let people make up their own minds, own up to the material as a responsible business and respond with a statement of your own stating why and wherefore your brand does not agree with it. Decide on what your going to do publicly to the person damaging your brand or not, but decide first and state next. Know what your going to say and how your going to respond to any flak coming your way. Plan it, execute it and wait for it. This is accountability, and in the realm of Social Media it your life blood, because everybody and I mean everybody will see you and judge you by your online actions. Do nothing and you will be judged, do something and likewise your will be judged, but best to do something and let the chips fall than allow the vagaries of chance to cut your brand out from under you at the knees or as @decanblue called it "brand death".
@Innovapor was almost un-followed by me due to what I considered spamming tactics by the company, I did not discount them automatically because two of my good friends are involved with the company and in the spirit of that friendship I felt it best to talk to them about it first. Innovapor was very appreciative for my input, they had not considered that their approach could have been looked upon in that way and immediately ceased their current tactics to a new more personal approach, moreover, Innovapor apologized to their followers on Twitter, accepting that perhaps their approach could have been alienating followers and taking responsibility for it, publicly they seem on the road to re-ignite their brand and get it back on track.
Another topic that came up was that of fledgling branding, trying to strike out on your own and make a name for yourself in the vast landscape of the Social Media playground. I'm still in that boat and I am working hard at starting relationships, offering value, offering dialogue, offering interest and consistency (a point made very difficult for me with this new job, it is requiring a period of adjustment). To wit, I have tried to learn from those with more experience and been fortunate to catch their attention and not annoy them (I thank you all for your patience), this isn't to take advantage of or for political reasons, but to gain a network of valuable and fun people to interact with and learn something from. The worse thing a fledgling like myself could do is publicly "dis" on someone who may or may not have more connections than myself, now I'm not saying you cannot but I am saying should you? Obviously, if it is a direct attack your choice is to defend or ignore, but remember that people are watching you, people who are your friends or followers (For Facebook or Twitter respectively) and they might have more friends/followers and they MIGHT NOT WANT TO FOLLOW based on your behavior. Imagine if Conan O'Brien had decided to follow Sarah Killen, on Twitter and she had decided to not only NOT believe it was actually Conan O'Brien but to insult him publicly for it (believing it was really not him) what would that have done for her? The women currently has a following of over 28000 people as @LovelyButton on Twitter and because of Conan deciding to follow her she has been able to push awareness for the important causes she supports, would that or could that have happened if she had dismissed Mr. O'Brien? In your quest to get your "brand" off the ground don't be so quick to dismiss who follows you and be generous to those that do and offer friendship to them, remember this isn't some void your putting yourself out on, people are watching all the time, and if you offer nothing then they will just move on to those who will give them something, whether that be valuable info, fun anecdotes, clever observations or industry tidbits they will find it, but not from you especially if you ignore people. In addition please be gracious to your followers (something I learned from @bkmacdaddy).
Finally, we come to my testing of the US Census' Twitter page, it offers plenty of information, a lot of it very interesting and very helpful, but very little interaction with their followers that I can see, which given the current consternation over question #8 and #9 in the Census form is a mistake. I personally have posted two questions to @censuscount on twitter with no response, now it is the US Census and they are busy, but if they can find the time to post valuable information, shouldn't they have the time to respond to their 879 followers (Twitter)? Especially, when it comes to how question #8 was worded? I personally believe my question to be valid, and I would like to give the Census a chance to respond to me, I mean other company Twitter pages do it, in fact it's become a new way of handling customer questions for many a company (Dell for example). Here is an opportunity for the Census to handle customer questions (let's face it, my filling out the questionnaire makes me a customer), yes they have their own help line (Hell, I work on that help line) but why ignore this avenue? One could argue or assume that the Census started their Twitter and Facebook page to add a friendly face to their endeavors but one also has to wonder if they had a strategy in place on how to handle questions from their "fans" or "followers" in their respective pages. I see questions on there, but I see no responses from an official Census representative. In the end I think this will hurt them, it ends up making their "brand" a cold entity that silently disgorges information with no real mettle to respond to their detractors, those that give them praise and those who simply have a question. Here is a "branding" strategy to put a possible "human" face to an otherwise faceless entity and I see it failing. Like many other companies the are doing it without understanding what they are supposed to be doing or should be doing. It seems there isn't a plan set in place. I personally have to assume there isn't a plan set in place because the Census remains silent to the people asking questions, silent except for the information that occasionally comes out of it.
In the end we are each and everybody responsible to our own brand if we create one, whether it be personal or business, we are perceived by the actions of our ourselves or our peers that associate with us or our business. WE represent our company or our self. Our friends or employees say a lot about who are company is or who we are as a person. In this age of Social Media awareness, nobody escapes the microscope once you put yourself on the grid, you can try but you are out there in one way or another even if you don't touch a computer, because someone will mention your name, someone will take a picture of you, someone will write about you and your digital footprint will then be there for all to see, and if you're worried about your personal brand you better take the reigns and develop a strategy on how your going to control the information about your brand.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Most of my friends will tell you I tweet a lot, incessantly even, so how does one strike a balance in terms of real life and the "social media" life?
I have my physical flesh and blood relations which I value and then I have my online "twitter" relations which I value as well.
I've separated my twitter account from my Facebook account as a first step and I work hard at making sure some content goes to either or or, or both if it makes sense, but it brings to mind something @decanblue said, "Maybe we do think about it to much." Do I?
I admit I can be obsessive, and I admit I can get caught up in "fads" but this (gestures at Social Media) is not a "fad" nor is it "fluffy" nor is it something to be taken lightly once one goes down the path of being "serious" about it.
There are consequences on both end, balancing your life, which is always important, not ignoring your friends, and trying not to be annoying to your friends (any of them).
Case in point, one friend has pointed out that she wants to get more into Twitter and blogging to make money, get her voice across on weight loss (both worthy goals). I, in my enthusiasm and happiness for this person, went perhaps a little to far into talking about it to her, pointing out etiquette (something another friend did as well), but it seemed...not welcomed.
It counterpoints the same thing that happened with me with @decanblue and how I fully embraced it, and how through suggestions to @365daygirl, she grew to love using Twitter. I have other individuals who "get" what I am trying to say about the potential for this vehicle to get you across, whether that is personal branding or your company's.
The danger lies in not being that crazy guy who stares at you with shiny eyes of madness when he is telling you that Social Media is the greatest creation since the invention of the wheel.
As much as I say, don't be the annoying company or person that says, "me, me, me" or "sale, sale, sale" because I'm just a corporate pencil monkey, I need to watch that in myself.
Walking around saying, "You on Twitter? You tweet? How is it working for you?" Sounds like I'm selling a car (I don't do that by the way, but that can come across).
But I was talking about it enough to annoy some people, but some people once I explained it in more detail began to listen. Why? I was enthusiastic, I was excited, I was infectious, I saw the potential and could get that potential across, I was borderline crazy shiny eyes guy. Never once did I say you're doing it wrong, your way sucks, instead it was listen, take notes, and then make suggestions on how certain avenues might improve a person's communication with their target audience.
Don't assume they will come to you because you have a Facebook account or a Twitter account (if you don't engage nobody will come to you) you have to work at it, be their friend, explore avenues of communication, and provide a reason for them to keep coming back to you.
This blarrrgh of information is what gets people going, but not all people.
You have to LISTEN, if you don't LISTEN then you fail to notice the person who isn't interested because they don't care, they don't need it, they are experienced or they just want to do it themselves. I need too assume that people want to learn something of value, but I don't need to assume that beating them with the stick of obsessive crazy is the way to do it.
I'm going to continue to tweet, and Facebook and sit there on my phone typing and reading, and I'm going to continue to learn what I can and pass on what I know about Social Media and it's place in one Magical Mexican's personal branding, but I will try to keep my obsession from ruining your day as well my friends.
At the end of the day, we all need our friends and scaring them away is tantamount to suicide or worse being the naked guy playing WOW after losing his job for not coming in for a week.
Not me man, not me. I stick to the pajamas and a few hours a day thank you.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Claim Post


Social Media Schizophrenia

I came to a realization last week, I've been bugging my Facebook friends with my Twitter posts about Social Media..and that ladies and gentleman is no good, no good at all.
It's crazy, but on the one hand I have this personality on Facebook, that is informative, a bit crazy, irreverent and entertaining (or so I believe) and then there is the Twitter side of things. On there, I am a bit crazy, entertaining and informative, but I'm also very interested in Social Media and it's potential, not just for me, but for the future of how we deal with each other and how businesses deal with each other and their customers.
My mistake was in trying to keep EVERYBODY informed of ALL aspects of my interests, when in reality it really should have been kept apart.
I feel like it cost me some in terms of my friends on Facebook, most of them don't get Twitter and most of them might not want to get it, and that's OK (there have been converts, hell I am a convert) but sending them post after post of my findings on blogs, articles and news about the latest in Social Media probably left them with a WTF attitude about who I was on Facebook.
My friend @decanblue on Twitter noted that when I mentioned I thought my friends on Facebook probably hated me for inundating them with Social Media articles, especially when most of them got no comments, had no "likes" and yet people seemed to enjoy the articles I RT or posted on Twitter.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, two different animals, two different audiences (audiences that could overlap mind you but different nonetheless) with one perhaps not caring any less about the latest articles from Mashable, bkmacdaddy or Twittercism (to name a few), unfortunate yes but in the end they are my friends and I have to be sensitive to that fact. If I'm not then all I am is a pitch man coming across for all intents and purposes like a salesman. Who likes salesman? If done wrong, not many and I don't want to be taken wrongly.
So for now, I'm going to keep my two "lives" separate, at time they will crossover, but not always, and that's OK, and I hope it's OK with both/either of my friends on both/either Twitter and Facebook.
Now if you will excuse me, I'm tired from unpacking and I have three cats I need to share a bed with :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You Mean It Existed Before I Did?

What is it about the human beings that makes us ignorant. We have this wonderful tool called the Internet, and even without it we have BOOKS, so how is it that some snot nose kid can think a movie called The Wolfman (2009) based on the original 1941 production starring Lon Chaney Jr is a ripoff of Twilight!!!

Holy Monkey's! Is this for real? Mind you that this is not the first time I've hard something like this before, a while back a friend of mine (sorry) commented on how I Am Legend (2007) was a poorly executed derivative of movies like Underworld, not that it was actually a remake of Omega Man (1971) and itself a remake of Last Man on Earth (1964) all of which were adaptions of 1954 Novel I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, wherein a man is seemingly the last person remaining after a disease has killed the worlds population and turned some of them into lunatic vampire creatures (it's more complex than that but you get the picture plus it's an incentive to read the novel)

Another case in point, 80's music and the trend right now in SLC (especially at Area 51, a nightclub downtown) for these kids to think they discovered something nobody else has. I go there to hear my "oldies but goodies" but get ridiculed for dancing how I danced in the 80's (when were you born kid, oh 1992? Shut up!) and meanwhile they hop around like spastic jelly beans on fire no matter what is being played, whilst dressed like Aerobic freakazoid dropouts from a Jane Fonda video! Mind you, I don't mind people having fun, but to mock ME for having my fun they way I remember it?

Look kid, you didn't invent the wheel, computer have been around longer than some of your parents, and the internet is older than you, you didn't find, it discover it, or fashion it. You just think it's cool, but you didn't bother to read the instructions or look in your history books.

For the record Bram Stoker did not invent Vampires, he invented Dracula (what? NO! Say it ain't so!) and even that guy was based on Vlad Tepes (I won't tell you who that is because you have Google or Wikipedia to tell you that, or egad open a book), and Vampires have been mentioned since 1047 AD in a Russian book of Psalms ( Hey you know what look up werewolf's while your at it (I can't hold your hand son)!

Now then, we have all this information floating around us on the internet, in the books, in the minds of your elders, why then do you insist on insulting yourself and making us do palm slaps to the head by saying things like the person above said? Why not try something novel, like read up on the subject if you disagree with it, that way you have something to argue with...or you might discover THAT YOUR WRONG! While your at it please learn to write, I suck at writing but I'm way better at it than some of these kids (where's your head at?).

Look man, use the tools you have around you is all I am saying, God (or whatever) didn't give us the Internet but we did receive a brain right? That brain made the Internet, that brain let's you type on a keyboard, that brain can do research and form thoughts and ideas until it finally comes to a conclusion.

“Those who know how to think need no teachers.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Why do I expound on this? Because there is that "Oh sh*t" moment when you realize you said something ignorant and can't take it back, there is that moment when you publicly (in this great big Social Media age) state your stupidity onto the world like the person did above (and then let it get spread out on Twitter, Facebook and blogs to be enjoyed both others) and make the rest of glad it wasn't ourselves doing that.

Remember the World existed before you did, and the world will continue long after your food for the little bitty bacteria in the air, so why not speak what you know, learn what you don't know, and learn, learn, learn!

Peace out!

PS: By shirts!!!

PPS: Disregard that shameless plug!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Do you get it?

I'm often asked by my friends why I'm twittering all the time, to most of them it seems like a waste of time, or they don't get it.
True enough, when my friend @decanblue mentioned it to me in conjunction with working on our @impossiblebox project, my response was, "Huh" and "Why?" Honestly, when I tell people I tweet their response usually is, "Oh I hate twitter!" Trust me, I was in the same boat.
And then...I used it, I expanded upon it, true in the beginning I faltered along, but then it hit me.
I can get information this way, I can share my thoughts we people ANYWHERE, I can converse in a global conversation.
Initially it worked out that I could link it to my Facebook and Myspace account, and I don't have a fancy web phone, but that doesn't stop me from getting Twitter and Facebook replies to my posts.
Most people that know me, know I can be...bizarre to say the least, and it it's a great forum (Twitter) to get my voice out there, especially when your working on a project like the one my friend and myself are working on. But then I began to learn more and to see posts about Social Media and I began to READ them, and with @decanblue it all gelled as to what possibilities are out there.
We are looking at a medium of information that with it's 32 million users (Webbiquity: ) has a global reach and potential unmatched (as I see it) beyond what Television can accomplish.
With it you can reach out to new customers, provide links to interesting content, influence those you interact with, be influenced, participate in marketing ebbs and flows, get news, be heard, be noisy and so on.
With this knowledge has come a leveling out of my tweets, I'm still bizarre (I can't help it), but there has been a paradigm shift to an awareness of the self in proportion to my Social Media self. They are one and the same, but as "I" grow, so does that persona grow until eventually they reach equilibrium.
Why do I do it? I asked that question and am asked that question.
Because I have a comic I want to push, I have ideas I want to push, I want to learn, I want to be weird, I want to be noticed. I have an insatiable need to "out" there and anybody who get's twitter and gets it correctly knows what I mean.
All of us, in some fashion are narcissistic, even the corporations who have their own Twitter pages, and they go out and say what they have to say but say it with interest and with interesting content.
The person or person who is/are narcissistic, but doesn't get it only puts down what is simply a log of their life and if your interesting enough, then that is sufficient. If your not, well then we're treated to, "Took dog for a walk, saw a squirrel, got home, now eating oatmeal." To illustrate this, I will sometimes tweet that I am doing something specifically to laugh at myself, to laugh at Twitter and to laugh at how silly it can be sometimes.
The person or persons who take their narcissism seriously, well...they just don't get it. They are the ones who give you the sale of the moment, tell you they have specials, spam you with get rich schemes and "methods" and YOU NEVER GET TO CONVERSE with them, almost like it's really just a robot sitting there spitting out goo of info. To those, I simply turn of their feed, how sad is that? Your a company, you want people to follow and buy your product and instead of getting to know your followers/customers you tell them what they already know instead of saying "SPOTTED Extreme Pogo: When you're pulling off front flips on a pogo stick, you might want to wear a helmet." from @Delllounge where they post about music, videos and games (as an example). Dell talks to their customers, they listen to customer tweets, they monitor them because like anybody who is narcissistic, they want to know who if anybody is talking about them and what they are saying.
Most of us on here are here because we want to be noticed, we want to know if anybody notices us and we want to know what people are saying about us, from the individual to the company we WANT TO BE NOTICED.
So why do I tweet? I have a need to be noticed. Do you get it?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Social Media Minefields

So what happens when you get someone like Kevin Smith (and a Twitter user @ThatKevinSmith) who you may or may not know was asked to get off of a Southwest airlines plane for being "to fat".
Kevin used his twitter account to recount the events transpiring:

A PR nightmare for @SouthwestAir (also on Twitter) and while you might say, "Well what did they expect? It's Kevin Smith!" That shouldn't matter and doesn't matter, not in this day and age of Social Media awareness and REACH.
What happened? Well Southwest a fashion (read about it here:

Again, it's Kevin Smith right? What bone heads right? Right. But like I said above does it matter that it was Kevin Smith? Hell no! It could have been anybody! Some people on Twitter have upwards of 1000+ people following them, and of those they might have some 1000+ people as well, that is REACH.

That Southwest handled that incorrectly was irregardless of who they are and who they slighted because in the end it could have been anybody with enough REACH into the Social Media ether.

That knowing it was Kevin Smith might have stayed their hand in how they handled it could have saved them this embarrassment...but it wouldn't save them from an Internet known person, one who thousands of people may know online but exists in relative anonymity in the real world. In a sense similar to the Matrix movies or the Shadowrun games where one may be an incredible within the Matrix but a "normal" outside of it.

As Mashable pointed out this has in a sense created a minefield for companies, because you could have a "persona" on board who if treated wrongly (whether it was perceived honestly or not) could let a whole slew of people know just how much you suck, and they'll tell two friends and they'll tell two friends and so on and so on...

Companies who believe Social Media to be "fluffy" who don't take it seriously may laugh or not "get it" but the fact is they should, if they don't then I guess they get what they deserve.

I can only imagine how events might have changed at Sensory Sweep if people had used Twitter or Facebook to post the way the company was treating them, would they have changed their attitude, their policy?

Would an artist looking to get hired on to a "Sensory Sweep" withdraw his application? Would he warn other artists?

Would a company doing business with a "Sensory Sweep" think twice about continuing a project with them, knowing the possible negative impact it could have in Social Media circles?

Tweeting, despite how much some people may know hate it, is a viable tool for getting oneself across to a vast potential of people, whether your a company or an individual. In the hands of the right person, this "tool" can be a companies worst nightmare. Their choice in how they respond is then consequently watched (especially if they are hooked into the Social Media network) to see how it will be handled.

This phenomena, this "fad" will only go away when we no longer have computers and we have returned to the pre-Computer Age, until then watch out for those land mines.

Monday, February 15, 2010


It's an endemic problem nowadays, people cannot seem to fathom it, or to "own up to it"
Why is that? Why has does this seem to be a more and more the norm.
Why is it, that instead of accepting blame and the consequences and responsibility for one's actions, there is instead this need to deflect the blame, to question one's role in it, to challenge the the mechanism of it, and to reflect it.

Alexander Pope
A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

Why can't we just take responsibility without the need to feel that it will get us somewhere, but to just do it because it is the right thing to do. It amazes me when people apologize and are surprised that people still despise them, so what? The important thing is to admit you were wrong without expectation of forgiveness, again that isn't the point.

Another issue I see is the need to deflect blame, by saying it's someone else's fault or introducing another entirely different issue all together. All designed to ensure the blame is not squarely places where it is deserved.

I work at taking blame when it is deserved, and do not shirk from it if I can help it, I fuck up, we all do, and we all try to learn from our mistakes, so it drives me nuts when someone doesn't do that. It cheapens the human experience and it cheapens friendships.

It's amazing that one can keep a friendship, but lying or hiding one's own guilt in something can end it oh so quickly.

We are not perfect, but we strive to do the best we can, and we make mistakes, it makes us human beings. We will never not make mistakes, "to err is to be human" as they say.

It's late and i should go to bed, but I just wanted to say that.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oprah did what?

I think that this is an interesting topic to bring up.
Today it was reported that as part of Oprah Winfrey’s “No Phone Zone” campaign, she was going to ask (read require) that her employees sign a pledge not to use their phones while driving.
The article can be accessed here:
Now then, let me reiterate, employees were asked to sign the pledge, but, “But it was pretty clear to everyone that it would not be good to resist signing it,” one insider told “You don’t mess with Oprah.”
Some of the employees had just purchased hands-free devices and were now unable to use them.
I tell you true that this would piss me off. As my friend decanblue on twitter stated,
“I would wipe my ass with this document and inter office mail it to Oprah along with my resignation. No one tells me what to do on my off time, even if I agree with them...”
The liberal side of me knee jerks at this, because it's bad enough to be told what we can do privately by our govt. but then to be told by our work, makes me spasm.
Society will always have a need to have some control, it's what makes us a unified whole and defines "our" culture and keeps us from chaos, but when does that go to far? This to me goes to far at least on the work end, that I agree with her; yes. Is it HER right to dictate? NO. Hell no.
The fact this debate is going on even makes one wonder where the next “rule” will come from, society, laws, how we behave is trying desperately to catch up to a technology that advances faster than people may feel comfortable with.
It’s like a driver who is lost and unable to ask for directions, because everybody else is lost as well.
I talk on the phone while I drive, I admit that, but I also use a Bluetooth device to make me “safer” while I’m driving. I only text when I’m at a light or completely stopped, if I’m driving forget it you’ll have to wait. Even before I had a hands-free device I would drop my phone when it came to having to DRIVE.
I try to be responsible, and when I’m out driving and seeing how people are, it reinforces my driving and phone/text habits. People generally cannot do both on average, they’re incapable, big surprise? No why should it be?
As humans we learned to walk everywhere until we domesticated animals to ride on, then there were carriages/wagons, and finally autos. The first “automobile” was created in 1672 in China and was steam powered, but mass production automobiles were created in 1902, 1902! We’ve had cars a little over 100 years in our entire 200000-year existence!
Analog cell phones (1G) came into existence in 1979 by NTT of Japan.
The first text message was sent and received in 1992 by Neil Papworth to Richard Jarvis, saying “Merry Christmas.”
The first true mobile browser was Nethopper in 1996 for the Apple Newton.
We have only had this technology for a limited time folks!
We are barely catching up, and the laws are trying to play catch up.
Witch brings me back to Oprah.
Does this woman, or any company for that matter have the right to fire you, force you to NOT use your phone? Can this be deemed legal? If our government has passed laws (in some states) that require us to not use our cell phones or at least have a hands-free device, shouldn’t that be enough? Do we need the added meddling of our bosses?
It bothers me because, and I personally think someone from her company should challenger her on it. Who knows they might get fired. Or not.
If they do, challenge it in court, bring the issue to light. Sure, sure one can argue that hey if you work for a company they can tell you what to do, but when I’m heading home? What if you have the kind of job where you need to be on the phone all the time, where does that time fit in for them? More hours spent at work? Is that fair?
In the end, all I am saying is that we need to no sit on our collective butts and ignore this event. Stand up and voice opinions, go to and comment, write to Oprah write to your local news, make it a story. Show this woman that she cannot do this. If you don’t then your inviting other companies to do this, and one day you’ll sit in your comfy couch, watching the tube and all of a sudden wonder where the hell that aching feeling from your behind came from and why your meekly living out your life being treated like a child who doesn’t know any better.
Grow up! Speak out! Peace out!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Change is always a funny thing; we fear it and yet we crave it.
On the one hand, we as humans get bored and as it seems, boredom can kill you:

As this excerpt states:
"Scientists said that this could be a result of those unhappy with their lives turning to such unhealthy habits as smoking or drinking, which would cut their life expectancy."

But on the other hand, we also fear change and prefer things to be just the way we are.

Why do people fear change?

Well as state here:

"Most people don't like change because they don't like being changed. When change comes into view, fear and resistance to change follow – often despite its obvious benefits."

People fight against change because they:


Fear to lose something they value, or

Don’t understand the change and its implications, or

Don’t think that the change makes sense, or

Find it difficult to cope with either the level or pace of the change.3

Resistance emerges when there s a threat to something the individual values. The threat may be real or it may be just a perception. It may arise from a genuine understanding of the change or from misunderstanding, or even almost total ignorance about it.

So how does that fare for this "modern" and technological society where computers become nearly obsolete in one year? Where the social media "fad" becomes yesterday's news?
Younger people seem to fare better, they are completely fad oriented (remember what was cool last year was not cool this year? I remember) But older people (myself included) have a dizzying array of things to choose from.
TV's with LCD or not, what phone should I get, should I be on Facebook or MySpace? What the hell is Twitter?

Growing up, I had black and white TV, tape reels, mechanical engines with carburetors, rotary phones.
I've seen phones go from rotary to push button to cordless to cellular to smart.
I watched men walk on the moon for the first time and now a space station sits at Earth's doorstep.
Tape reels have evolved from tape deck, to cassette, to CD to mp3 players and beyond.

I've watched all this with wonder, not with fear, not with doubt but with wonder. Each new change brings new challenges, and yes they get harder, but nothing in life is easy, it was never meant to be.

We've just added more complexity to it.

All this is an incorporation of the new data into your own self.

Don't fear change, challenge it, embrace it, cuss at it, but learn from it!

Without change, where would we all be? Centenarian have seen vast changes in our civilizations, in some ways far more shocking that what is occurring now, yet they adapt, they don't worry about it. They survive.

The relatively minor changes of our technological lives are small compared to the changes brought about by marriage, death, having children, and getting old.

Does that mean I won't stress if my Internet goes down or my cell phone get's lost? Hell yes I will!

But that's why I keep a rotary phone in a box in the closet at all times. ;-)

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Birthday

It's my Birthday

It approaches, silently like a lover

It reminds me of my short time here

I spurn it

I don't need its reminders

The sore legs, the sore back

They tell me more about my age than any date could

I laugh at the pain

The laughter is my defiance

I will laugh until my last breath draws

Content that no matter what

I lived despite the benchmarks of age

I lived the life young, inside my head

I lived the life young inside my heart

Even as the body crumbles, I will live the life young

I will only surrender when the heart stops beating

I will only surrender when my brain ceases to fire its neurons

Only then will I allow age to win

It's my Birthday

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A visit to Timm and an announcement

So today I went to see Brother Timm...I had avoided it, I admit that.
I didn't want to come there feeling false about it, he doesn't deserve that. The time needed to be right, and thanks to Lori, the right time was today.
It was great to see him :-)
He is in good spirit's if very bored, and hopefully Lori and I broke up the monotony if for a brief moment.
He's a good man, very talented, and he's a fighter, I would hope to have the amount of strength he has to keep pushing forward a little bit everyday.
Part of my hesitation was not feeling like my reasons were false for going, not wanting to bring negativity and honesty feeling inadequate to the task of being there visiting him.
I enjoyed it (the guy in the other bed made it a bit awkward), and I hope to see him again before I move.
At the end of the month I'll be moving into Punkhouse, a titular place in Salt Lake named because of it's illustrious residents through the years.
I love my privacy and I love living alone.
But times are tough and money is tight, and saving $200 a month is quite the attractor for me right now.
It should be fun, it should be different (Been awhile since I've had that many roommates) and hopefully I won't drive anybody crazy.
I'm soon to turn 44, and I can get a bit set in my ways :-S
In the end it should be fine and things will work out some way or another as they always do.
Let the good times roll :-D!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Last Scene of Movie and some homework

So last night Celia and I went to see a friend of hers named Randy (cool dude) whose 71 Camaro "Blacky" was going to be used for her 5 minute film.
Car is awesome but has no power steering, so that was going to be rough for Celia to drive (required for the scene) but she was able to pull it off.
Although I guess there was some drama in the Church parking lot up the road she turned into, and Randy's neighbor didn't appreciate us swearing in the street for the scene :-S
Overall it was fun times, and I"m glad she asked me to participate.
Afterwards we went down to the Woodshed and hung out for a bit, drank some beer and listened to to a band that had two lovely ladies, one on rhythm guitar and the other one on the bass. That to me is SEXY, like seeing a woman on a motorcycle is SEXY. Great voices as well.
I got home at about 11pm and started doing some homework on Social Media, specifically looking on the website
These guys are great! Lot's of cool insight, stay up on the news, and generally up on the social media info going around. A great resource for a guy like me, who is more than just curious about social media and what it can do for me and for the comic that will be out on the Burning Phoenix Comics website.
Engaging is the name of the game, don't be a salesman, don't ignore it, and be transparent. Look at multiple avenues but don't use those avenues just to use them.
Make sure you know what your doing or your going to do worse than if you had just not done it.
This stuff isn't like tossing a grenade or launching a fire and forget missile, and that's what I see out there with local businesses.
Fire and forget.
Oh look everybody! I have a Twitter account. (cricket sounds as that business walks away and nobody goes to follow you)
Hey we're on Facebook! (hardly posting, wrong person posting, lack of interaction, possible cricket sounds as that business walks away and nobody asks anything from that "fansite")
Hey! We have a MySpace page! (boccie balls! This looks like somebody's low rider on LSD! Where do I find anything? Where are the comments, look at all the games! Why games?)
There is an understanding that this Social Media stuff will just work for you, but what you need to realize is that you have to make it work for you, sh**t doesn't write itself. You have to provide content that attracts, that entices, that engages, that says, "Hey I'm not just this business trying to sell you on me, I'm here to get to know you, want to get to know me?"
Enough ranting, I need to make a button! (purposefully not given explanation)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

5 Minute Movie Follow -Up and Twitter Ramblings

So last night was fun, a bit unorganized but fun nonetheless.
None of the original people for the movie showed up though, so that was a bummer, but we pushed through and got some women that came in were good sports and participated.
I got into a discussion about Social Media with the bartender Donald at the Woodshed (bar where the filming was going on-cool place check it out) and how it could possibly impact business there.
One thing that stood out, was his immediate dislike of Twitter and his belief as a wast of time.
What is this dislike of tweeting? What do people don't get? A medium that puts you in touch with the world, that if done correctly is as exciting as watching grass grow or as impacting as watching your business grow!
I use it as a means to connect to people, to connect to Facebook and to connect to MySpace by this means. My followers, friends and family are subjected to my rants, my data mining, my weirdness, but for those places I might be hanging out with, I'm free advertising!
Everytime I go into Area 51 or Edge, I'm advertising, everytime I go into Coffee Connection I'm advertising, people respond to me and we keep the advertising going.
Imagine that under controlled circumstances? Imagine doing that for your employer?
Sure free advertising is great, but you cannot control it's execution or it's outcome? What if it's negative? Great free advertising right?
This then was how I tried to explain it to Donald, I think it made sense to him, especially when I told him I had been tweeting about coming to his bar and had continued to tweet since being at his bar.
Can it or did it make a difference, maybe, maybe not, but is it worth it not to try? Especially if your a business owner?
Sorry got away from the movie production, just had to say that.
So yes, I was the star (why me?) and Celia was the director, 4 short scenes but it was a lot of fun, Celia bought me all my drinks, Donald made me two nice vodka martinis, we watched Toxic Avenger and Species 2 on the Telly, got to meet some nice people, helped out a good friend and had an eventful night on a Monday night here in Salt Lake City, where not much goes on Monday nights.
Wednesday, Celia and I meet up again to do the last part of the movie involving a vehicle.
Can't wait!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Movie short madness and other ramblings

Well today I get to be in my friend Celia's 5 minute movie for Radio from Hell.
I get a speaking role, should be fun! More will be forthcoming
Hmm, interesting, @365daygirl wanted me to help her with her stuff also AND also on camera.
Crazy! Don't these people realize I will break their equipment?!
Guess we shall see.
I've got one interview Wednesday with Vanjent, one possible one with itCamp tomorrow (waiting for confirmation) and I applied to three jobs working on DoD (Department of Defense) projects, but all of them out of state (that part is a bummer).
I'll update on the filming later tonight or tomorrow.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Social Media Pondering Yo

People get on my case for doing this social media stuff and wonder why I spend so much time on it, well I don't have a full time job, so that answers one question, but the rest isn't so easy.
Silran666 is myself and as such I want that self pushed to the reaches of the internet to my friends here in SLC and hopefully beyond.
It's my digital self to correlate and correspond to my "real" self, it hopefully has the same personality as me, so that people who know me, "know" it's me.
Given that I'm trying to put out a comic book at Impossible Box Studios, it stands to reason that I as the "artist" should market myself out there and make myself known. Establishing an online presence, makes it easier (one would hope) to develop and have a ready made audience.
Does that sound under handed? It could, if the effort wasn't sincere, if it wasn't fun, and I'm not lying to anybody, anybody who follows me on Facebook or Twitter or Myspace "gets" me and at the very least are amused by my efforts and/or really enjoy my efforts.
But it ends up becoming a job in and of itself I am discovering. So where do I draw the line? That is the big question, for instance, I tried using the social oomph twitter plugin, but have decided to put that on hold after 1 day of use. It became evident that while it did provide some great information, and I am responsible for what kind of information it gives out, it came across to me as spamming and for me that simply did not do. I noticed a drop off in people looking at what I posted.
How did that differ from some of my days when I send out 20 tweets of info in on hour? I control the content, the content does not control me. While one could accuse my firing off as "spammish" it is done with my voice in mind, especially when I add little comments behind my posts.
It's me, and it feels like me, these posts while having my interest immediately did not feel like "me" and I ended it.
Producing, keeping track, responding, being responsible and feeling how the content you develop is being perceived is a lot of work and someday perhaps doing "all" of this will be done from one platform, one app, one location at the push of a button and the whisper of your voice, but in the end it's about doing "manual" labor and right now that is OK with me.
At least it is mine.
Hopefully all of this will pay off you know? Hopefully silran666 is a "known" product and name that links to who I really am, whether that be Manny, Manuel or Manster, but it as a name and as a brand becomes just as much a part of me as my real names.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Things are a brewing

Can't go much into it, but lot's of things seem to be coming together on multiple fronts, the comic book idea is nearly to the publishing stage (I will make an announcement) and our other project is poised to take off as well.
Still no news on the job front, I do have an interview this Wednesday at Vanjent for a position working for the Census Bureau, we shall see how that works out.
I'm network connecting everyday through the power of social media, it's such an amazing medium really.
A tool which can be used to further one's own presence online as well as further one's one business presence and how it connects to other businesses and patrons.
I will right on this soon because I had a great conversation with my friend @365daygirl whom I know personally and on twitter for 3 hours in our favorite coffee shop @CoffeeConnection. So much so that we almost forgot the real reason we were there for.
So tonight, movies, dancing and breakfast at Ihop once the festivities are done.
Have a great weekend all.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ran into an old Sensory Sweep Big Wig

So last night I was at Brewvies with my business partner getting
something to eat before meeting a potential client when lo and
behold! Who should be there with a female brunette but Chris R
There was the momentary shock of recognition, then the re composure
and finally admittance of the event.
We shook hands as breaking into FF battle would have ruined the bar
potentially delayed my meeting, and proceeded with strained small

Chris: Oh hey how you doing, long time no see, what you up to?
Me: Oh you know, hanging in there trying to keep myself busy doing
Chris: Same here, trying to keep busy doing stuff. I've been very
fortunate that I'm able to work out of my house.
Me: !... Well that is great. I'm shooting for the same thing, maybe
work 3 hours on site but stay home the rest of the time. Your lucky
you get to do that.
Chris: Oh yeah for sure...
Me: ...
Chris: ...Well guess I better get going. It was nice seeing you.
Me: For sure, you take care.
Chris Same to you. See ya.
Me: See ya.

Me after he walked away and he couldn't see my face: $%#&*(*@#$$ (with
an evil grin I might add)
Mentioned it to my partner who thought it amusing, didn't see him
until 20 minutes later when he came out to get food.
Still short, still has that grey sweater with a long sleeve shirt
underneath (light blue, pink, white, can't remember but you know what
I mean) and still seems to have to long of humanly normal arms in
proportion to his torso.
Never saw him after that.
Thought you might want to know.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy Day doing some personal business stuff

Well this turned out to be a busy day. Lot's of stuff done in the the name of Impossible Box Burning Phoenix, but I think that Lance and I got a lot done and developed a definite list of things to do in terms of our current project.
Prologue is done on the comic book I'm working on and I'm working on Chapter 1 right now.
I do have an interview next week with Census for a job (hopefully) managing the people on the floor.